Test on Wednesday! I am working on putting up syllabus/review info in the usual place (Tests tab).
The Archive tab has the lecture notes, and the Overleaf text has a typeset version of Regev encryption (abstract & example).
Regev Encryption Ciphertext Chain!
Check out the Matrices Sage tools (a matrix calculator basically).
Decide on your favourite bit (either 0 or 1). You can interpret that in any way you want.
We will use $p = 3203$. Also $k = 13$, and $n=7$. (Note that in the Matrices tool above, there’s a hint about how to format matrices and vectors so they can be shared easily by cut and paste in discord. Send vectors as row vectors, so the entries are separated by commas, and people can transpose() them as needed.)
Play Bob: Set up a private/public key pair like Bob’s, and put the public portion as your public key on the #public-keys channel.
Play Alice: Find someone else’s public key and send them your message on the #ciphertexts channel.
Play Bob: Receive a message and decrypt it, posting it to the public channel in “spoiler” mode @mentioning the sender.
Play Alice: When someone reveals their decryption, please check it (it’s just a single bit, so this step is important so they know if it worked!) and let them know if it worked!