For Monday, October 14th, 2024

  1. Note: there was no daily post due Friday Oct 11th, no worries there.
  2. Warning:  Poster Plan is due Wednesday October 16th.  See the tab “Posters” for more detail.  It requires a title/abstract/work plan, so you’ll want to have at least a brief discussion as a group before Wednesday.
  3. Friday’s class wasn’t a good one to miss, so I’ll try to post a link on the Archive page to last year’s recording, for those who weren’t in attendance.
  4. I’ve added everyone into poster groups in canvas — check that this is correct!  Also, you should be able to contact one another there, or on discord.
  5. Compute the sum of the following two points on this elliptic curve.  $E: y^2 = x^3 + x + 1$ modulo $7$. $P = (0,1)$ and $Q = (2,2)$.  Compute $P+Q$.
  6. What is $P + \infty$ on this curve?
  7. What is $-P$?
  8. Suppose, on the same curve, we want to compute the sum of $Q$ with itself.  That means we need to find a tangent line!  Compute $Q+Q$.  (I’ll do this in class also.)
  9. Show that if $P=(x,0)$ is a point on an elliptic curve, then $2P = \infty$.